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project Francesco Cortese, Ottavia Perrone
text and illustrations Ottavia Perrone
with Francesco Cortese, Ottavia Perrone
For the iranian date with Sanam Naderi and Ottavia Perrone
artistic coordination Carlo Durante, Silvia Ricciardelli, Salvatore Tramacere
set consultant Lucio Diana
set technician Mario Daniele
There was a dark night There was a night without fear There was a night of stars and clouds There was a night of a thousand fireflies and more There was a night and maybe there is still There was also a day ....
A new way to tell through the invention of the "cartometraggio": between rhymes, illustrations, boxes and sounds, a visionary story unrolls itself to listen, to watch and to imagine.
A show to back to dream and to give back the dimension of listening to children. Away from technology, there is the story of a boy playing with boxes and imagination. The boxes are magic places, where the games come to life: to open a box is an endless surprise! A box can be a room where every child can invent his story, it can be the sea, it can be the sky and the stars. For sure, a box is the safe place where you can guard your secrets, you can collect your dreams and you can image the world.