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written and directed by Riccardo Lanzarone
with Riccardo Lanzarone and Feliciana Sibilano
music : Giorgio Distante
with the participation in video of Michele Sinisi
lights and scenes : Michelangelo Volpe
costumes : Lilian Indraccolo
video : Zerottanta Productions
little girl voice : Elisabetta Guido
promotion and press office Radice di due - Rosy Chiaravalle, Valeria Bonacci
Koreja Theatre production
with the support of Festival Internazionale Castel Dei Mondi and MatTeatro
thanks to Emanuela Pisicchio and Chiara Muscato
"And he replied: "The one who has dipped his hand into the bowl with me will betray me. The Son of Man will go just as it is written about him. But woe to that man who betrays the Son of Man! It would be better for him if he had not been born." (Matthew 26, 23-25)
Year 2027. In a future in which it is legitimate to take justice into their own. In a future in which there is no need for absolute proof to convict somebody. In a future which, with money, private facilities are subsidized to dispose of the crime, killing the alleged offenders in just 24 hours. Second chapter of The Waiting Trilogy, The Last Supper borrows the figure of the bullfighter wrapped and protected by his "Traje de Luces", the golden uniform, to investigate how a man charged with a crime lives his last hours. Condemned, prisoned or hostage? Does he hope for absolution or does he end up dreaming of the death sentence? The imprisonment becomes a real circus of horrors. Someone enjoys getting him through tests like a reality show that remind " Who wants to be a millionaire ". As a prize there is the lethal execution as painless or the grace at best. Who is his guardian? The executioner exists because it is necessary. The bullfighter exists because people call his name. The monster is under the bed, but we often invite him to sleep next to us. The figure of the bullfighter inevitably overlaps to the executioner one. A slow metamorphosis in which the victim becomes the executioner. And maybe the tormentor is justified by the desire for revenge against a man who believes he has committed a crazy and an inhuman act. It's carnival day. During the parade in the town square, a man disappears. He is disguised as a bullfighter, the suit of the killer to whom everything is allowed.