International call

The workshop is conducted by Jeton Neziraj, former director of the National Theatre of Kosovo and courageous political voice in the theater of the new Kosovo, committed intellectual in terms of activism and the role of the artist, about his responsibilities and the degree of freedom of the socio-political processes.
He has written more than 15 plays that have been staged and performed in Europe as well as in the USA. His plays and his writings have been translated and published in more than 10 languages, such as: German, English, French, Italian, Slovak, Macedonian, Slovenian, Croat, Romanian, Bosnian, Spanish, Turkish, Bulgarian, Serbian etc.
As a playwright, he has worked with theatres and companies around the world.
He is member of the European Cultural Parliament and Kosovo coordinator of the EURODRAM network.

The workshop includes a series of lectures and tutorials on new writing for the theater and the post-dramatic theater. Participants will be encouraged to write short texts for the theater. Participation is aimed to young writers, playwrights, producers, theater, literature students, journalists, theater workers and to those whogenerally loves writing or theater.

The workshop follows a teaching based on:

• techniques drama comparisons;
• analysis of the compositional diversity;
• ideology and caption;
• the question of rhythm;
• the transition from literary text to the dramatic text
• verbal improvisation and stage

THE WORKSHOP is in English

You can submit your application, by sending a short cv and a short text in English written by the applicant (not more that 5.000 carachters) to the following e-mail: not later than 7th March 2016, h 6 pm (Italian time). Please write in the object: WORKSHOP with JETON NEZIRAJ.

Where: Cantieri Teatrali Koreja, Via G. Dorso 70, 73100 Lecce (Italy).
When: from 14th to 18th Marzo 2016. 
How much: euro 60 (including the ticket to see the performance "The Demolition of Eiffel Tower" that will be presented on 19 March 2016 in Koreja Theatre, Lecce).

The workshop is organized by Cantieri Teatrali Koreja with the cooperation of Anna Maria Monteverdi (translator with Monica Genesin of "The Demolition of Eiffel Tower" into Italian), with the partnership of KosovoEmbassy in Rome and it's one of the selected workshop by Teatro Pubblico Pugliese for "l'Internazionalizzazione della scena pugliese Teatrale e Coreutica 2016" .

14 marzo 2016

at 10:00

Lecce, Cantieri Teatrali Koreja

admission ticket

€ 60,00

Società Cooperativa Koreja a r.l.

Centro di Produzione Teatrale
di Sperimentazione
e di Teatro per l'Infanzia e la Gioventù

c/o Cantieri Teatrali Koreja
via Guido Dorso 48/50, Lecce • Italia

tel./fax: +39.0832.242000 • 244013

P. I.V.A.: 01446600759

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