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Da Heroides di Ovidio e da improvvisazioni e scritture sceniche
Elaborazione drammaturgica Elena Bucci e Marco Sgrosso
Regia Elena Bucci con la collaborazione di Marco Sgrosso
Musiche originali dal vivo Giorgio Distante
Con Giorgia Cocozza, Angela De Gaetano, Alessandra De Luca, Emanuela Pisicchio, Maria Rosaria Ponzetta, Andjelka Vulic
Disegno Luci Loredana Oddone
Elaborazione del suono Franco Naddei
Costumi Enzo Toma
Assistente all’allestimento Nicoletta Fabbri
Tecnici di compagnia Alessandro Cardinale e Mario Daniele
In moments of great change, the desire to re-read the past arises. Hence, in this project, we turn to a strange and compelling work by Ovid, where the aggrieved heroines of mythology address their heroic lovers who have mistreated, abandoned or betrayed them in some way. In this musical performance the poet's voice intertwines with theirs to recount the entire myth but also to specifically focus on the destiny of the women. It does so with the irony of intelligence and creation, the same that has sustained many of them along their path, the same that makes artists into creatures devoid of sex and identity, dedicated to interpreting the most diverse characters (Elena Bucci).
Ticket € 5.00 - Info and reservations +39.0832.242000