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Two years after the Koreja theatrical performance, Daniele Coricciati publishes a volume of black and white images that are as light as memory and as profound as the roots of the olive tree. The evocative images are accompanied by writings from the Salentine director Edoardo Winspeare, the Danish director Anna Stigsgaard, who directed the 2017 performance, Salvatore Tramacere, Coricciati himself and, most importantly, from five young writers, all under the age of nineteen, who have measured their fragility with that of a symbol of Salento that is ever more ephemeral and in transformation.
Le nozze d'olio Readings by Carla Guido and Ludovica Polito A story that intertwines myth and contemporaneity through the voice of a Goddess, Xylella Fastidiosa, who narrates her origins to all men.