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di e con Andrea Brunetto, Max Pederzoli e Alessio Pollutri
sguardo esterno Roberto Magro
scenografia e costumi Loredana Averci
produzione Accademia Perduta/Romagna Teatri
in collaborazione con M.Hess Producteur
Residenze produttive Kitchen TeatroIndipendente, Mix'art Myrys
After ninety years of bad luck, disillusionments and farcical slapstick, an old clown returns to the ring in his wheelchair to get justice. It will be an impossible feat where acrobatic reindeer, myopic jugglers and killer flies will try to stop him. The rednosed prankster will lash out to give them all black eyes and will fight to his dying breath to defend his dignity. If he succeeds it will be only thanks to the support of the audience. A hilariously funny circus and theatrical show. Comedy comes to the rescue and, at the end of the day, the good old clown triumphs!