Gabriele Mauro e Stefano Giuri

Opening mostra a cura di Marco Petroni

Works by Gabriele Mauro and Stefano Giuri dialogue both with the territory and the spaces they occupy and endeavour to trace an evocative and symbolic map.
A shared goal that disregards conceptual enterprise. In lieu of a concept or a thought, the two artists seek to highlight a vocation intended as a social object to be fragmented into elements in which to insert a participatory component of a real place. A desire to construct a feeling, a project. It is the polyphonic sound of doubt, of those who distance themselves to better listen.


STEFANO GIURI Stefano Giuri lives and works in Florence, where he graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts. In his work, he analyzes the connections and relationships that exist between the concepts of public and private space, hovering somewhere between collective and individual memory, in order to face current social problems related to the places he works in. He understands the idea that in every single memory there are signals, traces, and schemes present which are tied to eras and historical, cultural contexts. In his artistic practices, he focuses his interst on areas such as performance and sculpture.


GABRIELE MAURO Gabriele Mauro, was born in Aradeo in 1991. He lives and works in Florence. The research he develops revolves around the concept of art and of clichés found in society of which he carries out a simple and ruthless analysis. The social fabric of a city leads him to reflect on the role that artists have and on the meaning of contemporary art, so as to look for new communication mechanisms. Among some of the main themes of his artistic production: a reflection on current modes of how we receive information; on art as a construction of forms and as a conversation on the value of authenticity, and on the concept of image as a series of temporal relationships. And lastly, imagination as an escape route but also as a place to return to, and on the intrinsic expressive power that images have in society, so as to keep an objective outlook on themes such as visual sensitivity and critical awareness.



Free entrance

14 luglio 2019

at 21:00

Aradeo (Le), Palazzo Grassi

Società Cooperativa Koreja a r.l.

Centro di Produzione Teatrale
di Sperimentazione
e di Teatro per l'Infanzia e la Gioventù

c/o Cantieri Teatrali Koreja
via Guido Dorso 48/50, Lecce • Italia

tel./fax: +39.0832.242000 • 244013

P. I.V.A.: 01446600759

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