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Testo di Michele Santeramo
Regia Salvatore Tramacere
Con Michele Cipriani e Maria Rosaria Ponzetta
Assistente alla regia Giulia Falzea
Scene e luci Bruno Soriato
Sonorizzazione Giorgio Distante
Realizzazione scene Mario Daniele
Tecnici Alessandro Cardinale e Mario Daniele
There is a man who needs to be forgiven for something. And who isn't going through something similar? He needs to be forgiven for something terribly serious, something that she, the woman, just can't forget. To do this, he needs to tell what happened to an audience, so that each and everyone present understands the reason for the terror. It seems like an inevitable destiny to the man: he immediately reacts to evilness with evilness, in a downward spiral with no apparent solution. A tale of this land, of its grottoes, of its indigent; a fairy tale noir, a work entrenched in the emotive culture of the south, a story that simultaneously distorts and questions political and artistic aspirations. A performance that contemplates evil as the intrinsic human force and that seeks to undermine the apparent inevitability of its consequences. A historical fact which, due to its particularity, we are not permitted to voice. A "fact not accomplished": not a memory lost, but deliberately erased.
Ticket € 3.00 - Info and reservations +39.0832.242000