DJ Set: Antonio Aluisi


DJ Set: Antonio Aluisi

The turntable vinyl crackling sound and the power of rock and roll, all seasoned by the unmistakable style of Antonio Aluisi DJ who will kick off the festival with an unmatched artistic flair he is so famous for, reminding us that People have the Power indeed!


Free entrance

12 luglio 2019

at 22:30

Aradeo (Le), Palazzo Grassi - Cortile piccolo

admission free

Società Cooperativa Koreja a r.l.

Centro di Produzione Teatrale
di Sperimentazione
e di Teatro per l'Infanzia e la Gioventù

c/o Cantieri Teatrali Koreja
via Guido Dorso 48/50, Lecce • Italia

tel./fax: +39.0832.242000 • 244013

P. I.V.A.: 01446600759

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