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The number 9 is the symbol of the return of the multiple to the unit. In what is a unique connection to the numerological symbology of the number nine, many of this year's anniversaries lead us to a very long list of pivotal events: from the Irani an revolution to Tiananmen Square, from the Berlin Wall to The Wall by Pink Floyd, from Yoko Ono and John Lennon's ‘bed-in for peace' to the ousting of Egypt's president, to the birth of Anne Frank, Mahatma Gandhi, and Napoleon Bonaparte, and to the landing on the moon and back to the earth, which has trembled over and over again in a devastating way. A history of walls and bridges. This performance unfolds somewhere between the earth and sky; floors get flipped onto walls, men and women dance on the walls of a building while defying gravity and emptiness. They seek out the essence of movement even though suspended upside down, as a way of changing points of view and inventing a world of air and walls; a world that turns back into the earth, allowing for them to remain essentially human, with all the precariousness and shared certainties.