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Goffredo Fofi established this award in 1992 and the prize is presented annually to artists, writers, operatives, associations and leading exponents of culture and society in Italy and Europe. The participants have all distinguished themselves for their "filosofia asinina" (Donkey-like philosophy), namely a specific stubbornness in reaching their goals in their respective fields. For the second consecutive year the Polo Biblio Museale of Lecce hosts the prestigious award as part of the Theatre of the Places Fest.
THE WINNERS: Alessandra Ballerini Baobab Experience Giulia Corsalini Claudia Durastanti Agostino Ferrente Napoli Monitor Francesco Pecoraro Massimo Popolizio Isaia Sales Nicola Savarese Sos Rosarno Katër i Radës. Il Naufragio