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A performance by Koreja
In collaboration with PugliArmonica and Marianolight
Written by Giulia maria falzea
Direction Salvatore Tramacere
With Riccardo lanzarone
Live music Giovanni Chirico/ Giorgio Distante
Costumes Lilian Indraccolo
Special thanks to Porziana Catalano
The wardrobe is like a treasure that hides secrets and life stories. An antechamber of our memory that lights up every time that we wear a particular suit that reminds us to our experience. So, the feast suit tells about secrets and memories of feast days. Four scenes, accompanied by music, that compose a score which goes from the sacrality of the ritual to its powerful popular expression: Green eyes, Dust in the buttons, Passementerie, The band's uniform describe that particular and unique moment when a suit turns into a life. On the setting of the feast day, that place that is at the same time real and imaginary, someone's part of life who has still a soul to dress for the occasion.