A performance by Koreja


Written by Michele Santeramo
Directed by Salvatore Tramacere
With Maria Rosaria Ponzetta and Michele Cipriani
Assistant director Giulia Falzea
Scenes and lights Bruno Soriato
Sound Giorgio Distante
Scene realisation Mario Daniele
Costumes Simona Lisi
Technicians Alessandro Cardinale and Mario Daniele
Organization and tours Laura Scorrano and Georgia Tramacere
Press office Paola Pepe
Secretary Gabriella Vinsper
Financial office Fabiola Centonze and Anna Petrachi

There's a man who needs to make up for something.
And who is not in this similar situation?
He needs to make up for a serious fact, and this is something that she, the woman, can't forget.
To do that, he needs to tell what happened to the audience, so that everyone understands the reason for the terror.
It seems like a destiny of the human nature: you react to the evil with the evil, into a spiral that seems to be without a solution.
If they destroyed the city in which you lived, if they killed your parents, if they forced you to leave everything and run away, how do you want to react?
How do you expect someone to react in this situation?
Everything, according to Vittorini, is deeply human beings. Evil would not exist if it were not in the human, in every single human person. And so, if that is the case, also the solution to evil must be the human.
The performance tries to reason on these issues, trying to understand if there is a reason to the terror caused, to the pain and the violence. Is there a reason? And if so, can you share it?
In short, a story about the apparent inevitability of certain consequences, because there are stories that in their linearity seem simple and then you shouldn't be surprised when they deflagrate, because it was predictable.
A tale set in a landscape of caves inhabited by people, not in prehistory but in Italy a few decades ago.
In one of those places where dreams must be true.
And then, dreams, if they weren't real life, why they make us sweat, beat, and excite?
Here, to the people we are talking about, there are only dreams to give hope to the days.
Reflecting on these themes, we have discovered that there is a human solution, deeply human: perhaps it is called tiredness, perhaps cowardice, or maybe only the need to escape, to step aside; there is, probably, a way to undermine any reason for terror.


ph. Daniele Coricciati

Next date:

09 febbraio 2020

at 21:00

Terlizzi (Ba), MAT laboratorio urbano - Via Macello, 1

For all the dates of the production click here for the TOUR >>

Società Cooperativa Koreja a r.l.

Centro di Produzione Teatrale
di Sperimentazione
e di Teatro per l'Infanzia e la Gioventù

c/o Cantieri Teatrali Koreja
via Guido Dorso 48/50, Lecce • Italia

tel./fax: +39.0832.242000 • 244013

P. I.V.A.: 01446600759

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