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Written by Paolo Pagliani
with Giorgia Cocozza and Andrea Listorti
artistic collaboration Salvatore Tramacere and Carlo Durante
Final voice Peppino Piccolo
Photographs on stage Nicola Nuzzolese
Technicians Mario Daniele and Alessandro Cardinale
Organisation Marco Chiffi
"The days of wheat" is a theatrical performance that tells in an innovative and multisensory way the bakery tradition of the Murge territory. The performance will be directed by two actors like apprentices-bakers and recorded voices, music and sound environments that the audience will listen through wireless headphones. After wearing the hygienic disposable clothes necessary to visit a food laboratory, the audience will listen to the 1/2 seminar on local bread. A story about the process of making bread from the ingredients: flour, sourdough, water and salt. At the end they will taste the bread and will be able to take home a portion of sourdough. This is a natural yeast rich in native microorganisms, with which you can make the bread "that tastes of Murgia". Event calendar for "La Puglia per Matera 2019":
Hours: 8.00 pm - 9.00 pm - 9.45 pm / Free entrance Max 20 spectators per replica, with compulsory reservation at 370.3035395.
The project has been selected in the of "Public notice for the selection of project proposals of the territories of Murgia Bari and Taranto in view of "Matera 2019" promoted by the Puglia Region.