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Public bodies continue to cut the resources for culture, art and performing arts putting in crisis structures like Cantieri Koreja which for 25 years have given employment to artists, technicians and organizers and which believe that theatre is a common good necessary to the cultural and polite education of every citizen (young people, adults, people living in weakened conditions).
Public bodies waste resources for entertainement and for pseudocultural events and they don't invest in young people, research and culture. Cantieri Koreja, in spite of an activity that has grown in a regional, national and international dimension, live at present a difficult situation since the Province and the Municipality of Lecce have not supported us in the recent years with fundings that we have always used in a transparent way, together with the tickets incomes and the performances we bring outside Lecce and abroad, in order to work and to give employment. We want to continue to do it sharing with you the passion for the theatre and the engagement for the culture. Therefore we ask to express your support by signing on line.