Koreja's artistical project is made up of "works", "actions" and "stories" (little or bigger) coming from far away and , above all, from the deep need of building up a "residence for theatre and culture" open to innovations, to the comparison between generations , a kaleidoscope of arts , genres and experiences in our loved-hated South. Here, we have always paid attention to our traditions as much as to the roots and languages of other people , in a relation of mutual respect "Works", "actions" and "stories" mean production of plays born inside the "Cantieri" and facing the wider audience (children, youngsters and grownups) during the tournée; they mean hospitality to companies and artists, cultural meetings, exhibitions, public rehearsal, all inserted into "Strade Maestre"; they mean theatrical training addressed above all to young and disadvantaged people; they finally mean an endlessly open dialogue with the audience and Institutions.

"Aradeo is one of the 99 communes at the borders of the empire.
In Salento.
That strip of earth sinking into the Jonian sea and that at school is referred to as the heel of Italy.
There aren't any theatres in Aradeo, but in the neighbouring towns there are plenty of them abandoned by time.
It takes you 20 minutes to get to Gallipoli to bathe.
Gallipoli has the sea, and a theatre as well. Closed
On 17th May 1991, the newlyelected spokesman for the arts had the overwhelming desire to reopen that place forgotten by time, and he invited experts for its adjustment to the safety regulations in force.
The meeting was at 11.00, but time elapses quickly in the south and at 12:45 the padlock was eventually cut by shears.
Nobody knew where the keys were anymore.
When the heavy main gate opened, a swift sunbeam illuminated the laid and steaming table. "Would you like some? Help yourself " !
Said the head of the family. And while drinking wine he told that the "lower part" where they had always been living, leant against the wall of the theatre, had trepassed naturally on the stage.
Because there was no dining-room.
The theatre in Gallipoli is still closed, but there's a family who, at lunchtime, always starts acting.

Società Cooperativa Koreja a r.l.

Centro di Produzione Teatrale
di Sperimentazione
e di Teatro per l'Infanzia e la Gioventù

c/o Cantieri Teatrali Koreja
via Guido Dorso 48/50, Lecce • Italia

tel./fax: +39.0832.242000 • 244013

mail: info@teatrokoreja.it
P. I.V.A.: 01446600759

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