This is one of the adventures of Bertuccia with his extravagant enterprises: the Middle - East is the scene of the history, with carachters and situations inspired to the famous book of "Thousand Nights and One Night". From the point of view of the scene, the research about new possible spaces of action for puppets, dolls and actors, all of them in the scene and all of them having the same importance in the story-telling. In this case the scenographic choices are suggested by desert spaces, which suddenly let us discover oasis outlines, nomad camps and cities suddenly: the classical small theatre becomes a complex scenic place, a big "desert" plan, moving, which can change color and shape according to the situation but able to create the classic space for the puppet's action, looking for a continuous balance between "classic" and "modern". The choice to take inspiration from "Thousand Nights and One Night" to set the story doesn't come only from the artistic value of the book, it also comes from the precise whish to make a confrontation with a culture, the Middle Eastern one, which is really close to ours, hidden at the moment by the struggle between East and West. Bertuccia acts during the story often discovering how rich the Arab world is, and also its contraddictions, showing at the same time the contraddictions of our world and how superfiacially we are allowed to judge the other cultures: as "at home", our hero meets there eagerness, thirst of power, arrogance towards the difference, but also incredibly big knowledge of "wisdom and justice", which generated the Mediterranean Culture, the mathematic and astronomic studies, the commerce seen as "exchange of knowledge". The typical ironic sight of Bertuccia is so used to show the nonsense of the struggles between different cultures, especially when they have common roots and a big historical heritage.